Our Program for BIPOC Farmers: 1st Update

In spring 2021, Nature For Justice (N4J) launched its Inclusive Climate Resource Network (ICRNet) program for Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) farmers in the southeast U.S. This network aims to help these farmers access the essential technical and financial resources that they traditionally have been denied. These resources will enable BIPOC farmers to […]
Senegal’s Mighty Mangroves – Livelihoods and Carbon

Mangroves: Buffer, Economic Engine, and Carbon Store In Senegal, mangroves dominate the coastal regions and for good reason. The mighty Senegalise mangrove provides one of the most biodiverse habitats that can be found anywhere on Earth and an equally-diverse economy stemming from it, specifically in the Sine-Saloum Delta and the Casamance zone. But what makes […]