A 3-Part Framework for Benefit Permanence

By Nicci Mander and Hank Cauley Climate-impacted communities can harness nature to build resilience and enhance well-being alongside contributing to global climate mitigation objectives. This use of nature-based solutions to advance social justice lies at the heart of Nature For Justice’s (N4J) global mission. But for external stakeholders supporting such endeavours–foundations, companies, and investors–what ensures […]

The Nature-based Solution Ecosystem

The nature-based solution ecosystem for generating carbon credits is currently unbalanced and needs fixing. Investments to align various parts of the ecosystem, such as donor support for registries like Verra and addressing supply issues through the Core Carbon Principles developed by the ICVCM, follow a theory of change that assumes the market will self-correct to […]

7 Attributes of a Just Investor

Nature For Justice (N4J) is a social justice organization focused on supporting frontline communities experiencing the impacts of our changing climate. As our Annual Wrap-up for 2023 described, we have made progress in creating programs in Canada with First Nations, the USA with Black farmers, and across a variety of African countries with small-holder agriculturalists. […]

Climate Justice Additionality Defined

The Concept of additionality: The concept of climate justice additionality originates from the fields of climate finance and climate change mitigation. This notion emphasizes that intervention strategies should not exclusively focus on the reduction and offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, they should also consider the social and environmental implications on communities that are disproportionately […]

Best Practices In Creating and Leading Nature-based Solutions Projects

Nature-based Solutions

Admittedly, upfront, this is our take on what constitutes best practices when it comes to creating and leading Nature-based Solution (NbS) projects with local partners. These partners have existing trust networks and have aggregated landowners pursuing resilience in the face of our changing climate. (BTW, coming soon will be a detailed look at how we […]

Building a Strong Foundation for Climate Justice: Learnings and Insights

Climate Justice

At Nature For Justice (N4J), we’re working with global and local partners to lay the foundation for climate justice. Our work is evolving quickly: Across several African countries, we are building partnerships to identify and support carbon projects that (1) deploy nature-based solutions (NbS) and (2) channel meaningful benefits for participating communities. We are currently […]

What Makes Nature for Justice Unique

April Jones

Nature for Justice was created in 2020 to address what we perceived to be the asymmetry in power between on-the-ground groups most affected by climate change and the investors, carbon developers, and companies that were taking advantage of unregulated carbon markets to develop inequitable benefit-sharing agreements. Our first thought was “Wait a second, without the natural […]

5 Barriers to Entry in Nature-based Carbon Projects

Barriers to Entry

Nature for Justice’s (N4J) experience with the request for nature-based carbon project proposals in Africa, which we are also contemplating in Canada with First Nations, has generated an enormous amount of interest. Despite the holiday period in the U.S., we received over 70 proposals by mid-January. While many proposals did not meet the requirements for […]

Wetlands. Protecting Them is a Nature-based Solution.

Nature-based Solutions

85% of the world’s wetlands have been lost due to human interference, much of it through large-scale modern agriculture. Known as “nature’s kidneys,” wetlands slow the flow of water across the landscape, allowing sediment, nutrients, and other particles to settle to the bottom. Those nutrients in turn fuel wetland productivity, supporting plants and invertebrates that […]

Looking Back to See Forward: 2022 Accomplishments and Opportunities Ahead

2022 – A Year in Review This is a somewhat unusual end-of-year message as I want to talk as much about process as achievements for the year. Nature For Justice(N4J) is a two-year-old organization with big ambitions (i.e. ultimately improving the lives of 100 million people), an expanding set of collaborators (e.g.Ostrom Climate), and confidence that […]

$51 per ton? Nope. Try $185 for the Social Cost of Carbon.

Indigenous Peoples

The Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) is the cost of the damages incurred by the emission of one additional metric ton (mt) of CO2.  For example, when emitted from car exhaust, CO2 remains in the atmosphere for a long period of time and causes warming, which in turn affects human health and the environment in a […]

John Oliver: Giggles and a Big Fail

john oliver

John Oliver’s recent broadside against carbon offsets last month got lots of laughs.  But Oliver and his team cherry-picked the data for the giggles. It was also a Big Fail. The piece ignored the important potential of offsets for those most challenged by climate change: at-risk local and indigenous communities. Failure of Standards, and Solutions […]