$51 per ton? Nope. Try $185 for the Social Cost of Carbon.

Indigenous Peoples

The Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) is the cost of the damages incurred by the emission of one additional metric ton (mt) of CO2.  For example, when emitted from car exhaust, CO2 remains in the atmosphere for a long period of time and causes warming, which in turn affects human health and the environment in a […]

John Oliver: Giggles and a Big Fail

john oliver

John Oliver’s recent broadside against carbon offsets last month got lots of laughs.  But Oliver and his team cherry-picked the data for the giggles. It was also a Big Fail. The piece ignored the important potential of offsets for those most challenged by climate change: at-risk local and indigenous communities. Failure of Standards, and Solutions […]

Missed Opportunity: Greenpeace on ENI in Zambia

Greenpeace Zambia Report

Greenpeace Report In May 2021, Greenpeace Italy issued a report entitled “The Luangwa Community Forests Project (LCFP) in Zambia, A review of the biggest REDD+ project in Africa financed by the Italian oil and gas company ENI,”  by Kelvin Mulungu. We read it and have some thoughts. Our organization, Nature For Justice (N4J), and my […]

Carbon Offset Investments? De-Risk Them.

Carbon Offset

Commitments to carbon neutrality are leading many companies to invest in carbon offset projects.  How do you manage the risk associated with these long-term, high ticket, high profile, no-kidding-our-kids-are-counting-on-us investments? Here’s how: pick a capable local partner, assess their managerial and technical capabilities, and invest to make them better.  It’s a win all around: projects […]