Interview with Flynn Bucy, Ph.D: Nature For Justice’s Advisory Network Leader

Flynn Bucy, Ph.D. is a well-known senior specialist in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development and Futures Studies. He has been a senior executive in both large and small businesses, the Director for the high-profile Center for Entrepreneurship at Baylor University, and worked extensively with World Vision and other major non-profits. He has […]
Carbon Offsetting 101

Currently, next to “Nature Based Solutions” (NBS), “carbon offsetting” is one of the big buzzwords in the environmental community – and there are as many questions around this concept as there is hype. Being that Nature For Justice seeks to address social justice through working with nature, we are very much involved in both NBS […]
Accelerating Nature Based Solutions (NBS)

NBS carbon projects? Too few places, too long in set up, and unfair to local communities. Nature based solutions (NBS) can make a considerable contribution to the Paris climate goals but how do we accelerate their use? Three ways: Work with more organizations that have Trust Networks in place; Help these organizations mature, as needed; […]
N4J: One Year In – Progress!

September 15, 2021 is the one-year anniversary for the creation of Nature For Justice (N4J). On our first anniversary let me begin by thanking those that have contributed to our success to date. For N4J, the list is (very!) long and first and foremost are the two other co-founders, Kevin Bryan and Frank Hicks, but […]
N4J Interview Series Part 1: Steven Nitah

Steven Nitah is a former of Chief of the Łutsël K’e Dene First Nation and CEO of the Denesoline Corporation before transitioning to the position of the LKDFN Negotiator in the Akaitcho Land Claims Process. Under his watch as Chief the Ni Hatni Dene Guardians program began. As lead negotiator, Nitah and his team successfully […]
How to Scale to Meet our Climate Targets and Achieve Social Justice

I was talking to my former colleague and long-time friend Tom Dillon of the Pew Charitable Trusts and the conversation came around to the topic of how we scale our efforts for addressing climate change. Our inability to scale will mean that those people, who are most vulnerable to our changing climate and are being […]
Crowdfunding: Setting Expectations

Crowdfunding has come a long way since 2014, when the novelty of the idea alone helped a man in Columbus raise $55,492 to make a potato salad. In 2019, the global crowdfunding market was valued at $13.9 billion and that number is expected to triple by 20261. Such figures have understandably attracted the attention of […]
Where We Work: Priority Countries & NGO Partners

Nature For Justice’s (N4J) objective is to accelerate the development of a global network of national organizations that are committed to using nature to help local communities within their countries develop the resiliency they need to both mitigate and adapt to the ongoing effects of climate change. We believe that a strong network of capable, […]
Getting Ahead of the Curve — Global Trends 2040

During March 2021, The National Intelligence Council issued its quadrennial report on global trends. This year’s issue is Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World. Global Trends assesses the key trends and uncertainties that will shape the strategic environment for the United States during the next two decades. I found it a useful way to […]
A Lay (Wo)Man’s take on Nature-Based Solutions

As the Creative Advisor to Nature For Justice and not as an experienced environmentalist means that I am well positioned to see where new concepts that are being talked about may need a little unpacking for the rest of us. In order to understand the concepts that Nature For Justice is working with I had […]
It’s Time to Put Women in Charge of Saving This Planet

Today, we face four catastrophes at once: 1) the COVID-19 pandemic, 2) climate change, 3) institutional racism, and 4) political polarization and attacks on democracy. There are innumerable ideas circulating for how we can solve all four crises, many being discussed at length, but one solution seems to be missing: put more women in charge. […]
Nature For Justice and Cultivo:
A Common Vision

We aspire to be a leader in using nature-based solutions to achieve social justice for communities affected by the climate crisis. The Nature For Justice (N4J) team brings decades of experience in promoting rural economic development, finding a path for business to be mindful of environmental issues, addressing the need for justice, equity and social […]