Indigenous-led conservation. A way forward.

“We have been on our land for over 700 generations and have learned important lessons around sustainability and natural resource management.” Hereditary Heiltsuk Chief Frank Brown, an adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University, recently shared with Canada’s National Observer.”Indigenous peoples, counting as only 5% of the world’s population, own or manage up to 25% of […]
What is Regenerative Farming? A South African Example.

Jurgen Johannes Streichter is a grain farmer in South Africa’s southern Cape and which lies within the Gouritz Biosphere Region where we are currently engaged in various projects. Jurgen started converting from conventional farming practices, which includes the tilling of soil, towards conservation agriculture as early as the 1980’s. He did this for various reasons […]
Senegal’s Mighty Mangroves – Livelihoods and Carbon

Mangroves: Buffer, Economic Engine, and Carbon Store In Senegal, mangroves dominate the coastal regions and for good reason. The mighty Senegalise mangrove provides one of the most biodiverse habitats that can be found anywhere on Earth and an equally-diverse economy stemming from it, specifically in the Sine-Saloum Delta and the Casamance zone. But what makes […]
Climate Change, India, and the Price of Onions.

In India, onions are everything.” “In India, onions are everything,” my roommate Apurva told me as we waited outside our local vegetable stand. That summer, unseasonably heavy monsoon rains devastated onion crops across central India, causing shortages, soaring prices, and a major disruption to daily life. As I watched many of my neighbors check the […]
It’s Time to Put Women in Charge of Saving This Planet

Today, we face four catastrophes at once: 1) the COVID-19 pandemic, 2) climate change, 3) institutional racism, and 4) political polarization and attacks on democracy. There are innumerable ideas circulating for how we can solve all four crises, many being discussed at length, but one solution seems to be missing: put more women in charge. […]