Nature for Justice
Because people and nature can no longer wait
The Challenge
The climate crisis is disrupting livelihoods, supply chains, food security, and the health and welfare of more than one billion people, particularly at-risk communities (including indigenous people) on the frontline of the fight against climate change.
The climate crisis is projected to worsen over the next 10 years and ultimately spur the largest mass migrations the world has ever seen.
The Opportunity
Emboldened to help at-risk communities address the increasing challenges of climate change, we saw a unique opportunity to promote social justice. We founded a nimble and fast-moving organization to mutually create science-based action with these communities and to connect them with large companies or other organizations seeking climate or carbon-based solutions.
Nature for Justice (N4J) was founded in 2020 as a nonprofit with a diverse and experienced team with decades of experience working in over 70 countries. This experience encompasses economic development, social inclusion, environmental conservation, and the identification and use of both indigenous knowledge and current science to guide action.
Our Vision
A more just world where people and nature work in tandem to address the impact of the climate crisis.
Our Mission
Mobilize funds and provide the necessary technical resources to leading, in-country organizations working with local, indigenous communities to achieve climate resiliency.
Our Priorities
Advocate for at-risk communities, especially indigenous peoples, confronting the climate crisis
Advocate for at-risk communities, especially indigenous peoples, confronting the climate crisis
At-risk communities seek a secure and just future in the face of climate change. We aim to provide them with the funds, knowledge, networks and the agency they need to achieve this. Most often, those most affected by climate change have little voice and are often powerless to adopt changes in their favor.
We seek social justice by making their voices heard, their challenges addressed, and their indigenous cultures and knowledge respected.
Ensure fairness in the distribution of benefits to the local participating communities
Ensure fairness in the distribution of benefits to the local participating communities
Central to our mission is our role to ensure that communities receive a fair share of the benefits that flow from those investing in their communities and that the precedents we set are adopted globally.
In the current environment when funds do flow to local groups, the distribution of those benefits is not always fair to the communities.
We ensure that the agreements between the two parties are fair, timely, and transparent.

Our Approach
Connect these vulnerable communities with financial and technical resources
N4J is one of the leading organizations that can bridge the gap between corporations and funders who seek carbon offset and climate mitigation programs, and local at-risk communities in search of assistance to address climate change.Employ Nature-based Solutions that promote resilience at the community level
Nature-based Solutions are actions that enable at-risk communities to adapt to the climate crisis in sustainable ways, and that provide human well-being and biodiversity benefits. These actions include restorative agriculture, land and forest management, and coastal habitat preservation, among others.
These actions are viable solutions that N4J knows how to implement.
Improve the organizational capacity of our implementing partners
Our global network of local partners working with at-risk local communities themselves often need technical, financial and managerial support to improve their assistance efforts. In collaboration with our local partners, we help identify such shortcomings and secure the resources needed to address them.
In this way we improve the probability of success of their initiatives.
Use quality data for actionable insights and rigorously measure the results
Our data systems are built on the premise that the ultimate value of data is not in its production but rather its use, and that the integrity of the trust-based market system we work in, is paramount.
Our work must stand up to the rigors of transparency, peer review, and industry standards.
Achieve scale through replication and policy development
The magnitude of the problem requires scaling through massive replication of Nature-based Solution programs, along with the support of governments through policies that incentivize and accelerate adoption.
Our local partners are best positioned to advocate for these policies through demonstrated success and community support.
Our Programs
We have already launched programs in various stages of development in 13 countries in North and South America, Africa, and Asia.
See our initiatives here.