Over the past several weeks, we at Nature For Justice have begun to build our nascent efforts to support existing African American farmer networks in North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida as they build capacity to manage impacts from climate change, as well as other challenges to more resilient farms and communities — such as water insecurity and soil degradation. We hear much about the challenges facing African American farmers over several decades and some of these challenges can be tied back to issues of access.
We expect that our work will cover at least four critical access points that are listed below and I will discuss in more detail in upcoming blogs:
Access to Technology and Knowledge
Access to Markets
Access to Capital
Access to Secure Land
Kevin Bryan has 20 years of experience building coalitions, developing organizational strategy, and fostering collaboration between organizations to support the growth of promising organizations and opportunities for people of color. He currently advises national organizations and coalitions as they shift their program frameworks to incorporate equity and justice.
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